UK Professional Immigration Assistance Epicentre
+44 (0) 7791145923
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+44 (0) 330 001 0342
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De-factor representation  
This service suits those who value their time, are unsure about their ability to prepare and submit a valid application or court bundle or whose application was previously refused but still wants to lodge the application themselves yet being under the supervision of a qualified immigration lawyer. You can appreciate the amount of administrative work including in the so-called full representation by a law firm, which is duly passed onto the client. By opting to lodge the case yourself yet being fully supervised by a qualified immigration lawyer you are likely to save significant amount of your money and yet be in full control of your immigration case, with full supervison and guidance from the specialist immigration lawyer.  We will be checking, verifying, advising and supervising you on all the relevant steps in order for you to prepare and lodge your immigration application or court bundle in the best possible manner.The cost for this service is usually £500.00.

The above options are not exhaustive as we treat every client's case individually. Please do not hesitate to book a phone, Skype or office consultation with us for a professional immigration advice and possible further representation before the UK Border Agency or the First Tier or Upper Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (FTT/UTT IAC).
We offer same day/instant Skype or phone consulations.

You can book your initial Skype or phone consultation with us via the following link: Legal Centre Skype or Phone Consultations